Friday, June 11, 2010

Testimonials - Part 2

Making their Way to the Top

Take a Glimpse into the lives of these WorldVentures representatives who are enjoying a life of freedom

Success from Home Magazine, July 2010 Vol. 6, Num. 7

Rob Flick and Jennifer Vaughan

Key to Success: Become a student of the business and never quit.

By Wendy Rudman

Deena Powers

Key to Success: Surround yourself with successful people, and you will become successful

By Amy Burgess

Kalpesh Patel

Key to Success: Success is a choice, and so is failure. Make your choice today.

By Nicole Bywater

Tana Sappington

Key to Success: You cannot learn what fire is by thinking about fire, but by burning, so set goals, find motivation and just do the work.

By Jennifer Liebl

Chris and Rita Mayberry

Key to Success: Keep focus on the big picture. Short-term focus on immediate success allows you to see the struggles, not the prize

By Jennifer Liebl

Posted via email from Lyndave Leisure's posterous

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