Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Lyndave Leisure - A Mobile Global Entrepreneur

Hello, my name is David and I am a Mobile Global Entrepreneur. This blog is set up so I can share what I've learned, how I've gotten to this point and where I see myself going in the future. I am a big fan of links and NOT reinventing the wheel so I will be sharing a lot and being new to Blogging I welcome all comments to help me grow further.

First question is: What is a Mobile Global Entrepreneur?

Let's break it down:
Mobile Entrepreneur: Entrepreneur magazine has a whole section for Mobile Entrepreneur, or Mobile Warriors. A Mobile Entrepreneur is someone who does not need to be tied to a desk or Brick and Mortar style building. They can do their business from the comfort of home, the beaches of hawaii, or the slopes of the Alps. Have technology CAN travel!

Global Entrepreneur: From googles "Characteristics of an Entrepreneur" we read: "True entrepreneurs today are identified by their global vision. Sure, they primarily offer solutions for their immediate surrounding market but they have an eye for how that could translate into the global sphere."

Now the Mobile Entrepreneur is not new. If you read up on the Evolution of the Mobile Entrepreneur you can see it began nearly 35 years ago with the first cell phone but it was cumbersome and until the laptop, iPad, and now smart phones we didn't really come into our own.

Neither is the idea of a Global Entrepreneur new. Richard Branson has been a Global Entrepreneur for decades. In this day and age it is actually important that when people start their entrepreneurial endeavor they think Globally. see: Why is it important for an Entrepreneur to go Global?

Because of the ease and size of laptops and smart phones more people are becoming Mobile Entrepreneurs and we are seeing how-to's specifically focused on their needs:

How to Improve Time Management Skills as a Mobile Entrepreneur

Become a Mobile Entrepreneur - How to Start a Lucrative Business Without a Store, Office or a Home

Because of the demographics and ease of starting a business we also see how-to's and books specifically focused on the Global Entrepreneur as well:

How to Take Your Company Global

Books about Global Entrepreneurs
Business Stripped Bare: Adventures of a Global Entrepreneur
The Global Entrepreneur Second Edition
The Global Entrepreneur: Taking Your Business International

So being classified as a Mobile Global Entrepreneur means that 1.) You can physically run your business from anywhere in the world with the aid of a laptop, smart phone, or technology. and 2.) Your business is run on a Global scale. ie, you are working with people in the US, Canada, UK, Africa, China, Australia, South America, etc.

Lyndave Leisure is a Leisure Travel Consultant company that is based out of the US but we have partners in South Africa, Kenya, UK, Botswana, Singapore, Israel, Cyprus, Malta, Germany, Sweden and growing.

If you wish to learn more on how to Become A Mobile Global Entrepreneur please let me know.

David Livingston
Lyndave Leisure - http://www.LyndaveLeisure.com
Lyndave Enterprises - http://www.Lyndave.com